Monday, 4 October 2010

Vladamir Propp Research

Vladamir propp was born on april 17th, 1985 in st. Petersberg to a german family. He attended st. Petersberg university (1913 - 1918) Majoring in Russian and German philosophy. Upon graduation he taught Russian and German at a secondary school and then became a college teacher of German.
He stated that all characters could be resolved into 8 broad character types in 100 tales that he analysed
these are as followed:
1. the villan ( struggles against the hero )
2. The Donar (prepares the hero or gives the hero some magic object)
3.The (magical) helper ( helps the hero in his quest)
4. The princess or prize
5. her father
6.The dispatcher (character who makes the lack known and sends the hero off)
7. the hero or victim/ seeker hero
8.False hero ( takes credit for the heroes actions)
In Ushers music video Caught up there are many great examples of howVladamir propps theory relates to it for example in the music video the artist  (Usher) is the hero and there is a villain who seemingly struggles against the hero. Furthermore to top it off there is so to speak the princess in this case a beautiful woman.

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